Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright
Author is John Harden Allen (1847 – 1930) American minister and methodist pastor, from Illinois, later moving to Missouri in 1879 and later to California. A review in the Baptist Messenger reported: (Source : Wikipedia)
“This is one of the most interesting volumes we have read in many a day and we confess that the arguments produced by Mr. Allen seem to be unanswerable. It is more thrilling than Western fiction. The description of the scarlet thread, the royal remnant, and the part played by Jeremiah in the preservation of the ruler for David’s throne, will cause you to lose sleep rather than go to bed without knowing the outcome.”
Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright, which states that it is: “An Analysis of the Prophecies of the Scriptures in regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the Many Nations of Israel, the Lost Ten Tribes.”
Allen : “The fact that a great nation, composed of ten tribes of the posterity of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is lost, or unidentified, among the nations of the world is well known to enlightened students of the Old Testament.
It is the consensus of opinion among this class of men, the number of whom is increasing daily, that the once-lost ten tribes of Israel are found. Be they right or wrong, we are sure of this one thing-namely, that there is a race of people here amidst other races, who do not know their ancestral origin, and who possess all the distinguishing marks whereby the Scriptures declare the lost house of Joseph shall be found and recognized, not only by themselves, but by the rest of the nations of the earth.”
This book is one of the most important in our portfolio, it document who is the exact receivers of all of Gods promises to the Israelites, to Israel. In order to understand who is Gods Chosen People who do Gods will in the world, and bring the Gospel of Christ to all the World as instructed in the 3rd PACT with Jesus Christ, with Abrahams sons, we must read this book.
“Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the whole WORLD with fruit.” (Isa. 27:6.)
Unfortunately another people (Edomites of Esau) in our time have hijacked the power and royal thrones of Judah, so the World is in a downward spiral into the abyss by now (Rev. 20:7-8) under the power of godless antiChrists at the Swindlers List, and not any longer in an upward spiral in the leadership of Jacob-Israel sons, nor of the Tribe of Judah that God gave the Sceptre.
(This book is in the public domain by now (copyright free). We do not take payment for writing it or for have any rights to it, only for a finders fee, and making it available on our platform in new edition.)
AudioBook is coming.
kr 200,00 – kr 278,00
Additional information
Book-author | John Harden Allen |
ISBN | 978-82-8471-017-4 |
Format | Audio Book, eBook PDF |
Language | English |
Pages | 209 |
Publisher | A.A. Beuchamp, NorVision.no, Sagaheim |
Year Published | 1902, 1917, 2024 |
Audio Length | 09:16 |
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